
Function for creating

sjevelazco opened this issue · 1 comments

  • calib_area
  • correct_colinvar
  • fit_glm
  • fit_gam
  • fit_gbm
  • fit_rf
  • fit_svm
  • fit_mx
  • fit_nnet
  • data_part
  • pseudoabs
  • backgroundp
  • sdm_predict
  • sdm_ensemble (currently ensemble is conducted int sdm_predict, this function is for conducting ensemble with a RasterStack that were saved, the mandatory dataset will be a data.base with points, dataframe with thresholds and performance, a RasterStack object with models).
  • part_skm (partition with spatial k-mean, this method is nove ;^) )
  • We need a function for extracting raster (based on terra package) and return the original data.frame with additional columns of env variables stored in the raster object. This function must be able to return all rows or filtering those rows with NA values in some raster layer. This function must return a tibble object. Suggested function names sdm_extract(data, x, y, predictor, env_layer, filter_na = TRUE)
  • fit_nab (naive bayes)
  • tune_gam -hyperparameter: smoothers (cubic splines, thin-plate splines, P splines, and adaptive splines)
  • tune_nab
  • Write function that from a list of models (from fit or tune function) return in a table with values of different hyperparameters (including the number of presences, absences, and background points), and other with performance. Potential function names sdm_summarize (BROOKE)
  • Create a function for creating subdirectory and folders useful for saving flexsdm outputs (ANDRÉ)
  • Write a function for fitting bioclim. If we create it will be possible to remove dismo package from dependencies.
  • Write a function for predicting Gaussian Process algorithm (fit_gau) it is not working with terra SpatialRast object

Work in the codes for using calibarea argument of the function sample_pseudoabs and sampel_background