
Error connect to serve Mosca MQTT

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is my code serve.

// server tcp
var mosca = require('mosca');

var settings = {
  port: 1883

var server = new mosca.Server(settings);

server.on('clientConnected', function (client) {
  console.log('client connected',;

// fired when a message is received
server.on('published', function (packet, client) {
  console.log('Published _ ', packet.payload);

server.on('ready', setup);

// fired when the mqtt server is ready
function setup() {
  console.log('Mosca server is up and running');

My chip Esp8266 can connect this server, but why i clone you project not work ???
My chip esp 8266 using library Paho mqtt.

This is text error.

sjmf commented

Hi @tqthong0911 – can you be sure that your Mosca instance is serving MQTT over websocket?

As you have specified port 1183, this is usually used for raw MQTT. For mosca, see for running via websocket– the example uses port 3000 for this.

Many connection problems are a result of trying to connect to a raw MQTT socket. Your ESP will be happy to connect to this, but a web browser can not.

I really appreciate your help with my project!
I did it.