
Consider a global configuration file

maschmann opened this issue · 4 comments

I've had a look into the implementation details of the reviews. They have a lot of hardcoded configuration options (parameters) or even binary paths.
How about making them default options and overwritable by a simple YAML config in the project root dir?
Something like "php-static-review.yml" :-)

What do you think?

sth like ?

BTW, guys, grumphp looks to do same thing. Maybe join forces ?

There's another one:

But I like it light-weighted like this one.

I actually have a branch (command-line-app) that makes use of a configuration file, but I haven't found time to work on that in a while.

Totally makes sense though. Related to #62.

Maybe I can spare some time, the next few days - then I'll have a look into your branch 👍