The core library, DOM Testing Library, is a light-weight solution for testing web pages by querying and interacting with DOM nodes. The main utilities it provides involve querying the DOM for nodes in a way that's similar to how the user finds elements on the page. In this way, the library helps ensure your tests give you confidence that your application will work when a real user uses it.
- A test runner or framework
- Specific to a testing framework
You may want to avoid the following implementation details:
- Internal state of a component
- Internal methods of a component
- Lifecycle methods of a component
- Child components
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
pub fn find_component_by_text() {
let render = render_for_test(||{
let count = create_rw_signal(0);
<button on:click=count.update(|c|c+=1)>Increment The Output</button>
<div id="output">{move||count.get()}</div>
// The get_by_X method series return a struct that derefs into web_sys::HtmlElement
.get_by_text("Increment The Output")
// So we can just click it!
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
pub fn find_component_by_text() {
let render = render_for_test(||{
<li id="list_item_1">Hi</li>
<li id="list_item_2">how</li>
<li id="list_item_3">are</li>
<li id="list_item_4">you?</li>
let questions = render
The get_all_by_X method series return a Vec<TestElement> which derefs into HtmlElement but has helper functions describing the behavior of your app in a way that describes the usage of your app.
.join(' ');
assert_eq!(questions,String::from("Hi how are you?"));
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
pub fn find_component_by_text() {
let render = render_for_test(||{
<li id="ghost_noises_1">Boo</li>
<li id="ghost_noises_2">Boo</li>