The same order of categorical values for Equals function is necessary or not
SummerCedrus opened this issue · 1 comments
SummerCedrus commented
When i run a LinearRegression for a CategoricalAttribute predict I got some errors.
Here is the error i got:
Predict error Couldn't resolve CategoricalAttribute("SaleCondition", [Normal Abnorml Partial AdjLand Alloca Family])dense.go:275
I print some run log in dense.go:269:
a CategoricalAttribute("SaleCondition", [Normal Partial Abnorml Family Alloca AdjLand]) get CategoricalAttribute("SaleCondition", [Normal Abnorml Partial AdjLand Alloca Family])
Looks like the same order of categorical values is necessary
But the notes of Equals function says
// * If applicable, they have the same categorical values (though not
// necessarily in the same order).
How can I solve this problem, thank you!
SummerCedrus commented
func (Attr *CategoricalAttribute) Equals(other Attribute) bool {
attribute, ok := other.(*CategoricalAttribute)
if !ok {
// Not the same type, so can't be equal
return false
if Attr.GetName() != attribute.GetName() {
return false
// Check that this CategoricalAttribute has the same
// values as the other, in the same order
if len(attribute.values) != len(Attr.values) {
return false
for i, a := range Attr.values {
if a != attribute.values[i] {
return false
return true
it's necessary for the same order.
A little modification can solve this problem.
func (Attr *CategoricalAttribute) Equals(other Attribute) bool {
attribute, ok := other.(*CategoricalAttribute)
if !ok {
// Not the same type, so can't be equal
return false
if Attr.GetName() != attribute.GetName() {
return false
if len(attribute.values) != len(Attr.values) {
return false
for _, a := range Attr.GetValues() {
hasSameVal := false
for _, o := range attribute.GetValues(){
if a == o {
hasSameVal = true
if !hasSameVal{
return false
return true