
I can't access Shar and i need to get to "Level 4" to research items [the number varies]

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I can see shar, but i can't get there. No access.

And i can't research specific items, they just say "[portal icon] Level [blank]".

i got the mod from the browser and mindustry from Steam. Also, i was using cheats to just goof around on the campaign.

I literally just created this account to make this lol

I'm assuming it's because of the Portal and the Omega Runes. [i used testing utilities to spawn them back in v6, and i found out i need to be on the betamindy server to use the Portal, but... The server's down! Betamindy's been down since v6 and it has never came back up. Please fix.

crap, now i want to add more tags but i can't cause i already submitted this

UPDATE: i just realised i can edit it, but i am unable to add tags. if anyone is reading this, please tell me how to add tags