
Wrong value in WebSocketServer.cpp cause a stack overflow error

Ozakest opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm currently works whith VSode & PlatformIo
I use this line lib_deps = skaarj1989/mWebSockets @ ^1.4.0 to install mWebSockets libray
my code compil perfect but i have somme trouble in execution when the client connects.

in WebSocketServer.cpp

void WebSocketServer::_acceptRequest(NetClient &client, const char *secKey) {
  char acceptKey[28]{};
  encodeSecKey(acceptKey, secKey);

  char secWebSocketAccept[50]{};
  strcpy_P(secWebSocketAccept, (PGM_P)F("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "));
  strcat(secWebSocketAccept, acceptKey);

  client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols"));
  //client.println(F("Server: Arduino"));
  //client.println(F("X-Powered-By: mWebSockets"));
  client.println(F("Upgrade: websocket"));
  client.println(F("Connection: Upgrade"));

cause a stack overflow error

I found a solution

char acceptKey[28]{}; muste to be char acceptKey[29]{};
char secWebSocketAccept[50]{}; muste to be char secWebSocketAccept[51]{}

// 22 characters for header + 28 for accept key + 1 for NULL

it's same value of 1.33 library
best regard

Hi, thanks for info, in master everything is fine.
Can you tell me where did you find lib with error?

the errors are on line 381 & 384

I mean: from where did you download that lib with error. I looked into official 1.3.3 release and there is no error.

I installed the library with platformIO by following the following recommendation

Library Dependencies platformio.ini
The PlatformIO Registry is fully compatible with Semantic Versioning and its "version" scheme ... You can declare library dependencies in "platformio.ini" configuration file using lib_deps option.


Accept new functionality in a backwards compatible manner and patches

skaarj1989/mWebSockets @ ^1.4.0

Thanks for pointing this issue, looks like it's been on platformio for quite a long time. I increment version to 1.4.1 so hopefuly a crawler will notice it.

New version available on platformio.