Unsupported frame size
infrafast opened this issue · 3 comments
Hello, using the code adapated for issue #58 ,
I got the below error message when trying to send the below Jsonframe from the browser to the esp32
Unsupported frame size = 476
followed by a:
[189085][E][WiFiClient.cpp:517] flush(): fail on fd 52, errno: 11, "No more processes"
Socket Disconnected
presumably this is just because I need to increase a buffer somewhere, maybe you could help ?
{"command":"createModule","param":{"Module 2":{"possibleLayout":3,"currentLayout":0,"icon":"b","strips":[{"id":"ch2bus","index":0,"color":99,"icon":"Z","properties":["/ch/01/name","/bus/01/name"]},{"id":"ch2bus","index":1,"color":99,"icon":"Z","properties":["/ch/01/name","/bus/01/name"]},{"id":"ch2bus","index":2,"color":99,"icon":"Z","properties":["/ch/01/name","/bus/01/name"]},{"id":"ch2bus","index":3,"color":99,"icon":"Z","properties":["/ch/01/name","/bus/01/name"]}]}}}
my god I missed that sorry for bothering. Do you have a paypal account so I can offer you a beer ?
There's no need for that, thank you though.