
Linux character issue

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I cloned wordsmith over to kali Linux and I get an error when I run it
~/wordsmith# ruby wordsmith.rb
wordsmith.rb:357: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
wordsmith.rb:357: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
wordsmith.rb:357: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ')'
cities = cities.each {|city| city.gsub!(/â /,'')}
This same version does work on mac-os, just not Linux .

Thanks for your feedback. I just tried running wordsmith in Kali and it ran without any problems. Can you replace the first line:



#!/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

Let me know if that works for you?

root@kali:~# git clone
Cloning into 'wordsmith'...
remote: Counting objects: 70, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 70 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 67
Unpacking objects: 100% (70/70), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
root@kali:~# cd wordsmith/
root@kali:~/wordsmith# ls
data.tar.gz  Gemfile  LICENSE  sources.yml  wordsmith.rb
root@kali:~/wordsmith# ruby wordsmith.rb 
wordsmith v1.0
Written by: Sanjiv "Trashcan Head" Kawa & Tom "Pain Train" Porter
Twitter: @skawasec & @porterhau5

Hello new wordsmither! Just need to unpack some files.
Unpack completed!

CeWL found: /usr/bin/cewl

Usage: ruby wordsmith.rb [options]
Main Arguments:
    -s, --state <states>             Comma-delimited list of US states
State Options:
    -a, --all                        Grab everything for the specified state
    -c, --cities                     Grab all city names for the specified state
    -f, --colleges                   Grab all college sports for the specified state
    -l, --landmarks                  Grab all landmarks for the specified state
    -p, --phone                      Grab all area codes for the specified state
    -r, --roads                      Grab all road names in the specified state
    -t, --teams                      Grab all major sports teams in the specified state
    -z, --zip                        Grab all zip codes for the specified state
Miscellaneous Options:
    -d, --domain DOMAIN              Set a URL for a web application that you want CeWL to scrape
    -e, --examples                   Show some usage examples
    -i, --infile FILE                Supply a file containing multiple URLs that you want CeWL to scrape
    -n, --names                      Grab the most common male, female, baby and last names in the USA
Output Options:
    -o, --output FILE                The name of the output file
    -q, --quiet                      Don't show words generated, use with -o option
    -k, --length LEN                 Minumum length of word to include
    -j, --lowercase                  Convert all words to lowercase
    -w, --specials                   Add words with special characters removed
    -x, --spaces                     Add words with spaces removed
    -y, --split                      Split words by space and add
    -m, --mangle                     Add all permutations (-w, -x, -y)
    -u, --update                     Update data from Internet sources
root@kali:~/wordsmith# ruby wordsmith.rb -s ca -t
wordsmith v1.0
Written by: Sanjiv "Trashcan Head" Kawa & Tom "Pain Train" Porter
Twitter: @skawasec & @porterhau5

-- State set to: California
Anaheim Ducks
Golden State Warriors
LA Galaxy
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Dodgers
Los Angeles FC
Los Angeles Kings
Los Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles Rams
Oakland Athletics
Oakland Raiders
Sacramento Kings
San Diego Chargers
San Diego Padres
San Francisco 49ers
San Francisco Giants
San Jose Earthquakes
San Jose Sharks

Sports teams in CA:  19

#!/bin/env ruby

encoding: utf-8

worked fine