Can't update IMA due to gnosis safe api url change
DimaStebaev opened this issue · 6 comments
IMA: 2.0.0-beta.8
Gnosis updated their sdk from safe-core-sdk
to protocol-kit
. In IMA upgrade script we still use old SDK, which causes problems with upgrade procedure via multisig. We should update dependencies to use protocol-kit
instead of deprecated safe-core-sdk
@DmytroNazarenko Triage
Moved to 2.4 as 2.3 does not contain IMA mainnet contracts changes
ima: 2.1.0-beta.2
Contracts update via multisig still not working "out of the box" for modern testnets e.g. Sepolia and Holesky
IMA: 2.1.0-beta.2
Error log:
Owner is a contract
Using Gnosis Safe
Error: Can't get safe-transaction url at network with chainId = 11155111
at getSafeTransactionUrl (/root/Workspace/IMA/proxy/node_modules/@skalenetwork/upgrade-tools/dist/src/gnosis-safe.js:109:15)
at /root/Workspace/IMA/proxy/node_modules/@skalenetwork/upgrade-tools/dist/src/gnosis-safe.js:98:27
at (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (/root/Workspace/IMA/proxy/node_modules/@skalenetwork/upgrade-tools/dist/src/gnosis-safe.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Add networks and api urls to gnosis-safe.js/gnosis-safe.ts like this (example for Sepolia network):
(function (Network) {
Network[Network["MAINNET"] = 1] = "MAINNET";
Network[Network["GOERLI"] = 5] = "GOERLI";
Network[Network["GANACHE"] = 1337] = "GANACHE";
Network[Network["HARDHAT"] = 31337] = "HARDHAT";
Network[Network["SEPOLIA"] = 11155111] = "SEPOLIA";
})(Network || (Network = {}));
// constants
const URLS = {
safe_transaction: {
[Network.MAINNET]: "",
[Network.GOERLI]: "",
[Network.SEPOLIA]: ""
For the holesky we should consider using 3rd party api url, as gnosis-safe do not provide their own api for this network, maybe we can use this project: