
A node can't be removed because of deleted schain

Closed this issue · 3 comments

A nodeExit transaction reverts with The schain does not exist message.

per @EvgeniyZZ , confirmed with @cstrangedk , this should be assigned 2.1

Cannot be tested, but should solve problems on mainnet for node ID 31


Network: Regression
skale manager: 1.9.3-beta.3
skaled: 3.16.0-beta.9
admin: 2.4.0-beta.2

During node rotation one schain (portly-passionate-sirius) can't leave a node (ID - 5, IP -

      Schain name          Status 
portly-passionate-sirius   active 
[REMOVED]                  left   
curly-red-alterf           leaving
wan-tasty-kitalpha         leaving
green-giddy-denebola       leaving
howling-hoedus             leaving
quiet-alchiba              leaving

Node exiting is in progress

There is an error in skale_api logs ⬇️

web3.exceptions.ContractLogicError: execution reverted: The schain does not exist
[2023-02-13 17:41:14,946] 9 ERROR None custom_thread: Error was occurred during the execution. Function: exit. Error execution reverted: The schain does not exist.
skale.transactions.exceptions.RevertError: execution reverted: The schain does not exist
