
Add automated system to renew and deliver SSL certs to our infrastructure

sync-by-unito opened this issue · 0 comments

We have multiple places in our sysyem where SSL certs are used:

  • Proxies (Mainnet, dAppnet, Testnet) - one cert for all envs
  • Block explorers (Mainnet, dAppnet) - separate cert for each env
  • Foundation nodes (Mainnet, dAppnet) - one cert for all envs/nodes

Currently, we're using free SSL certs from Letsencrypt that should be renewed every 3 months.
It's manual process now, which shouldn't be the case. We need to develop an automated system to renew and deliver SSL certs to our infrastructure.

This task consists out of 2 main parts:

  1. Automate SSL certs renewal
  2. Automate certs delivery

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