error on go get on raspi
step21 opened this issue · 8 comments
Installation mostly worked. But when compiling the go 11 parts, there is an error. Should this work or is it an unsupported platform?
docker/container.go:86: cannot use "".PortMap literal (type "".PortMap) as type "".PortMap in assignment
Could you try “go install”?
Sorry, first error was because I was accidentally still using go 1.8.
But now I get
go: verifying checksum mismatch
downloaded: h1:vhA3tx0dgFFBPFwU1G3/okGJf9OwRPRpmY9/0IxQOS8=
go.sum: h1:5Z3Uksuiv0lpPslfRA25dYUV85hI+Pfvz/Pi1NM2wPA=
#:~/go/src/ $
Which sum does it check? If it checks x86 docker, it will obviously mismatch on arm.
Let me know your architecture?
Also can you try this?
rm -rf go.mod
go mot init
go install
Arch is armv7l
Assuming you mean go mod init
it says something is wrong.
/go/src/ $ go mod init go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/src by GO111MODULE=auto; see 'go help modules'
Same problem. Ubuntu 19.04 x86_64.
rm -rf go.mod
go mod init
go install
go install
fails with the same error.
Can you download the binary and try run it?
@step21 @dennisfischer
Did this problem solved?
Please let me know :)
Time up