
Skedaddle is a SOA-inspired Rails application. The frontend consumes API endpoints exposed by a backend consuming data from TrailAPI and Yelp Fusion API.

Primary LanguageRuby



  • Skedaddle is a Rails application that has both frontend and backend repositories.
  • The frontend consumes API endpoints exposed by the backend, which is consuming data from TrailAPI and Yelp Fusion API.
  • This app creates a custom itinerary with three trails and three restaurants based on geodata.
  • This application utilizes a relational database to store user and itinerary data.
  • Google OAuth 2.0 is used to authenticate and authorize users
  • The application was deployed using CI/CircleCI on Heroku but can also be viewed on a local server.

📖 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  1. ➤ Technical Requirements
  2. ➤ Project Files Description
  3. ➤ Routes
  4. ➤ Database Schema
  5. ➤ Getting Started
  6. ➤ Test Suite
  7. ➤ Scenario 1: Login
  8. ➤ Scenario 2: Search for a Destination
  9. ➤ Scenario 3: View Additional Trail Details
  10. ➤ Scenario 4: View Additional Restaurant Details
  11. ➤ Scenario 5: Save Itinerary or Search Again
  12. ➤ Scenario 6: Saved Itinerary
  13. ➤ Credits

💻 Technical Requirements

  • Ruby 2.7.4
  • Rails 5.2.6
  • RSpec-Rails 4.0.1
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Faraday
  • Figaro
  • Webmock
  • VCR
  • Capybara
  • SimpleCov
  • Launchy
  • Factory Bot
  • Faker
  • JSON API Serializer
  • Postman
  • Shoulda-Matchers

Installation instructions found in ➤ Getting Started

💾 Project Files Description

  • app/controllers/application_controller
    1. Application controller which includes helper method to account for current user
    2. Directs rendering of several elements based on whether a user has logged in

  • app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb
    1. Welcome page controller that initiates login via Google OAuth v2

  • app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
    1. Sessions controller that checks for OmniAuth authentication and creates a new session for user if authentication is successful

  • app/controllers/dashboard_controller.rb
    1. Dashboard controller that creates user dashboard view which provides destination search functionality

  • app/controllers/itineraries_controller.rb
    1. Uses before_action to call backend API in order to receive data on trails and restaraunts based on the destination the user has searched for

  • app/models/user.rb
    1. User model that finds or creates a user after successful OAuth authentication for

  • app/models/itinerary.rb
    1. Itinerary model which references park and restaraunt objects created from API calls for

  • app/views/..
    1. Dynamic pages built in HTML and CSS using Bootstrap

Some other supporting files

  • spec
    1. Contains test suite files
    2. spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes
      1. Subfolder that contains mocked data used in tests to prevent API endpoint calls every time testing suite is run

📂 Routes

Rails Routes
root welcome#index goes to welcome index page
get '/auth/:provider/callback' 'sessions#omniauth'
get '/dashboard' 'dashboard#show'
delete '/sessions' 'sessions#destroy'
get '/about' 'about_us_contact#about_us'
get '/contact' 'about_us_contact#contact'
resources '/itineraries' except: %i[edit update]

🖥️ Database Schema


📖 Getting Started

1. Create a new directory on your computer where you'd like the program to live.

$ mkdir /your_folder/skedaddle-fe

2. Navigate into the recently created directory.

$ cd /your_folder/skedaddle-fe

3. Copy the repository by clicking on the code button on Github repo page (using SSH).


4. Clone the recently copied repository information into your currenty directory.

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSantosuosso/skedaddle-fe.git

5. Open the repository in your preferred IDE. If you are using VSCode, use the code command shown below:

$ code .

6. Install dependencies found in Gemfile.

$ bundle install

10. Run migrations

$ rails db:{create,migrate,seed}

11. Initiate the application on your local server.

$ rails s

12. Open your favorite web browser and enter the URL in the address bar:


✔️ Test Suite

To run the test suite, make sure you are in the root of the project and run:
bundle exec rspec

🔸 Scenario 1: Login

a. The user logs in using Google OAuth Services

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🔸 Scenario 2: Search for a Destination

a. A user can search for a destination:

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b. The user receives an itinerary with three nearby hiking trails and restaraunts:

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🔸 Scenario 3: View Additional Trail Details

a. A user can visit the trail's website to view more information:

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🔸 Scenario 4: View Additional Restaurant Details

a. A user can visit the restaurant's website to view more information:

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🔸 Scenario 5: Save Itinerary or Search Again

A user has the option to save an itinerary or search again:

Screen Shot 2022-09-20 at 10 18 33 PM

🔸 Scenario 6: Saved Itinerary

a. User receives confirmation an itinerary has been saved:


b. User can delete a saved itinerary:


c. User can view saved itineraries:


d. Saved itineraries include a link to each itinerary:


📜 Credits

Nick Jones

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Drew MacNicholas

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Wes Miranda

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Eli Sachs

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John Santosuosso

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Project built as part of Turing School of Software and Design's Consultancy Competition.