
[Dev-Enhancement] CocoaScript ESLint Plugin

booc0mtaco opened this issue · 0 comments

This is a little different than most enhancement requests, but figured this was the best place to ask. A few years ago, I created a very minimal ESLint plugin to support a few aspects of CocoaScript (here). Before I got to a place where I wanted to add more functionality, my project ended and I left it as-is.

Fast forward a few years (5!) and it seems the JS-based API is more fully fleshed out than when I was doing more sketch plugin development. So first question, is using CocoaScript for plugin development still recommended? If not, then I will likely archive my plugin repo.

If so, then would there be some benefit / desire in completing this ESLint plugin? I didn't get a sense from the forums whether people are using the objc syntax often, or mostly using the JS-equivalents.

tl;dr Basically, I am trying to determine if I should archive this repository, or maybe hand it off in case having such a plugin has any value.

Let me know your thoughts!