
Please add strikethroughStyle

Closed this issue · 2 comments


 * Defines text style
export declare type TextStyle = {
    _class: 'textStyle';
    verticalAlignment: TextVerticalAlignment;
    encodedAttributes: {
        paragraphStyle?: ParagraphStyle;
        MSAttributedStringTextTransformAttribute?: TextTransform;
        underlineStyle?: UnderlineStyle;
        strikethroughStyle?: {};
        kerning?: number;
        MSAttributedStringFontAttribute: FontDescriptor;
        textStyleVerticalAlignmentKey?: TextVerticalAlignment;
        MSAttributedStringColorAttribute?: Color;

please add strikethroughStyle enum

is there any update?

For reference: strikethroughStyle is identical as underlineStyle which is of type UnderlineStyle. Question is how to organise this in the schema, rename UnderlineStyle or just as is, similar to AppKit?