
How to parse CurvePoint to SVG Path

noahlam opened this issue · 2 comments

How to parse CurvePoint to SVG Path?

I am working for parse sketch rectangle to a svg file recently. And I spend a lot of time to parse CurvePoint within points, But I still can't parse it correctly.

Could any one tell me how to parse it, thanks!

SVG conversion is a separate issue, not strictly related to the file format schema. For this reason I'm closing this issue.

However, please follow in the coming weeks as we are preparing more info on this 🙂

How to parse CurvePoint to SVG Path?

I am working for parse sketch rectangle to a svg file recently. And I spend a lot of time to parse CurvePoint within points, But I still can't parse it correctly.

Could any one tell me how to parse it, thanks!

@noahlam I have the same problem. Have you solved it?