
npx prisma db push not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Screenshot 2024-02-10 163535

I followed each and every step properly of providing the UTI of the "DIRECT_URL" with the exact port no.(as shown in the tutorial.) Still I'm getting an error on running the CLI npx prisma db push

@ski043 Could you please share any update or any fix of the issue.
Facing the problem at 01:33:87 of the tutorial. Can anyone please help me resolve the issue of this Supabase with postgres??
Thank you in advance.

Screenshot 2024-02-10 170357

Screenshot 2024-02-10 170057
Did exactly the same with the correct port no. with reference to the docx. The error still persists.

When pushing the schema to the db, try using the DATABASE_URL & DIRECT_URL without the ":6532/postgress?pgbouncer=true&conection_limit=1":

# not this
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://postgres.qzshylushurbreqcebld:<PASSWORD>"
DIRECT_URL = "postgres://postgres.qzshylushurbreqcebld:<PASSWORD>"

# edit this 
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://postgres.qzshylushurbreqcebld:<PASSWORD>"
DIRECT_URL = "postgres://postgres.qzshylushurbreqcebld:<PASSWORD>"