

Psilogin opened this issue · 2 comments

Descriptioin of the bug

Step 2: Configure your site

It was mentioned 'We'll work in a branch, my-pages, that I created for you to get this site looking great' , but There is no branch named 'my-pages'.

The step not clear whether the branch and file should be created.

If you have followed the tutorial and clicked the button "Start course", your repository is created with the "GitHub Pages" template. You can find the green button "Use this template" on the top right, next to "About". Both buttons have the same functionality. In this way, you will have a branch named 'my-pages' along with your 'main' branch.


If you create your site repository from a scratch instead of using this template, there will not be a 'my-pages' branch.

Thank you @CuiJinku!