
Request to port plugin to Vite/rollup

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I had found this plugin quite useful in the past,
now that the world is moving from webpack to Vite.js, I wanted to say that porting this plugin to would be great :)
Note that the plugin API is compatible with rollup

Apologies for the delayed response here...

I've also moved on to other tooling (vite for some projects, nextjs for others and experimenting with other tooling as we speak). Unfortunately I have no bandwidth for this though and iirc even for webpack this solution was a little janky and could probably have been implemented without writing an actual JSON file that's import-ed elsewhere (it led to weird double-rebuilds). I bet there are other tools nowadays that would handle this better better though it always surprised me how there weren't many plugins in core bundlers like webpack, parcel and vite for SSG and pulling data from file structure and metadata. Always irked me that I had to go to a wrapper service like Gatsby or NextJS and that's part of the reason I wrote this.

Anyway, I'd be more than happy to transfer this repo to anyone who's willing to maintain it and/or port it to newer bundlers... I am about to archive this repo but just drop me a line and we'll figure it out.