Video Scripts

This repo contains various scripts I use to manage my video files.


  • HandbrakeScript

    • This is the main script which is based off a script by Rocketcandy I can no longer find the source of (will link if I ever find it again) I found it. which I've edited to use PSEverything and the Everything service to quickly gather a PowerShell object of all video files in the listed directory.
    • Once it has said list, it will use FFprobe to check if the file is already HEVC encoded before proceeding to use HandBrake with either the default presets from a GUI install or my own presets I've packaged in this repo.
    • -DelCSV flag to recreate the ConversionsCompleted.csv
    • Usage: .\HandbrakeScript.ps1 -Path "everything search term" (optional: -DelCSV)
    • Example: .\HandbrakeScript.ps1 -DelCSV -Path "<The Flash> <S01|S02|S03>"
  • HEVCCheck

    • Based on the HandbrakeScript, but slimmed down to not actually encode anything, it is used as a way to quickly see what needs encoding before running the main script. You could also edit it for your own needs. (-DelCSV flag to recreate the HEVCCheck.csv)
    • Usage: .\HEVCCheck.ps1 -Path "everything search term" (optional: -DelCSV)
    • Example: .\HEVCCheck.ps1 -Path "<Stranger Things>|<Brooklyn Nine-Nine>"


  • Once either HandbrakeScript or HEVCCheck is ran, a CSV file will be created.
  • ConversionsCompleted.csv
    • Contains a list of completed conversions, obviously.
  • HEVCCheck.csv
    • Contains a list of files which have yet to be converted. Editing the loop from line 48 in HEVCCheck, would be recommended if different results are needed.
  • Both files are formatted the same. Codec, Height, Filename, Bitrate This makes it easier for me to see if any shows or movies are lower quality than I'd like.


  • You tell me

MKVTool Scripts:

  • mergeMKV

    • Also based on the HandbrakeScript but it's usecase is for for switching default tracks in multi-sub/dual audio anime releases, fixing und language sub tracks and removing all subtitle tracks from a file.
    • However it could be used for basically anything mkvmerge can do (-MKVMergeArgs flag allows manual parsing of options to mkvmerge).
    • The -DelSubs switch is used to remove all subtitles from a file (-S flag) and can be used alongside -Audio, but is useless when mixed with -Subs.
    • The -Lang flag can be used to fix undefined subtitle tracks by forcing a language tag for all sub tracks (ja/jap/en/eng) (Generally subtitle tracks are undefined if there is only one, however YMMV)
    • This script also partially works on mp4 files, but only for the -DelSubs option
    • Usage: .\mergeMKV.ps1 -Path "everything search term" (optional: -DelSubs, -Subs TrackName, -Audio LanguageTag -Lang LanguageTag)
    • Example: .\mergeMKV.ps1 -Path "Tower.of.God S01E02" -Subs Dialogue -Audio jpn -Lang ja
  • MKVCheck

    • A simple script like HEVCCheck, however it's primary usecase is to quickly list all tracks (excluding video tracks) of a video file
    • The script will list the filename, track ID, track name, track language, and track type and output them as a csv in the terminal as well as save them to MKVCheck.csv.
    • Usage: .\MKVCheck.ps1 -Path "everything search term"


  • [mergeMKV] Once a file is merged/muxed, the original will be deleted and the new will be renamed, if mkvmerge encounters any errors or warnings, the new file will be deleted and the original kept instead.
  • [MKVCheck] Will create MKVCheck.csv and output a csv object to the terminal

MKVTool Issues:

  • You tell me
