
Improvement: would like to be able to use local:// transport

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey! Thanks for your library, something I had in mind to create but a quick google search returned me this :-)

Anyway, I'd like to use this library in combination with using the local:// transport, but there is some code which validates the URL in the SoapServerRule which prevents that from working.

		try {
			new URL(address);
		} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected valid address: " + address, e);

I'd thought it would be easy enough to fix, (and it is), but I had some problems with the test suite because apparently deep down in CXF there is still some shared state in a ThreadLocal that was causing some issues when switching between transports in the tests.

I have a PR upcoming, so you can have a look. This issue is more or less if people are searching for similar issues.

@aukevanleeuwen thanks for the PR (with the unit tests!). I've released version 1.0.4.