Budget Calculator was designed with a landscape architecture project in mind. Part of the design process of such projects involves a calibration between the customer's budget and the cost of the chosen design. This app takes in a customer's budget, provides a set of design elements (such as ground covering or water feature) and their associates cost estimates, and calculates the total estimated cost of the selected design elements. A gravel ground covering has a cost; a water feature has a cost; when these two costs are summed, the total cost may exceed the customer's budget. The tool thus allows a customer to add or subtract elements until some combination meets the budget.
- The application queries the user for a budget for the project.
- The application correctly pulls design elements and their associate cost estimates from the firebase firestore collection "items".
- The application displays items in a checklist grouped by "type" (see item interface below).
- Each "type" section should allow one or none of the items of that type to be selected/checked at a time.
- Every item has a lowPrice and a highPrice. These estimate costs should be used to calculate and display a total cost range.
- The application should display a total cost range.
- The application should give the user feedback on how well their selected items fit into their budget. That is, the user should understand when their budget falls below the minimum cost estimate or exceeds the maximum cost estimate.
- The client should be able to submit the checklist. Store this information however you like in firestore, but DO NOT modify the items collection.
- the items look like this:
interface Item {
type: string;
name: string;
lowPrice: number;
highPrice: number;
The lowPrice and highPrice properties are integers representing United States Currency, the last two digits of each number are cents. This means that
is equal to $600.00. It is expected that you will display the currency on screen in a common human-readable format. -
Each type string is an uppercase string separated by underscores. You should transform these properties to display category names with proper english grammer. ie WATER_FEATURES should become Water Features.
- Excellent UI design.
- An understanding of react in general.
- Use of modular components.
- Functional components that utilize hooks.
- Code comments explaining your thought process.
- state management with react built in functionality only (no redux).