Missing information in RISmed search results?
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Using RISmed, lately I am getting no information in the following fields of RISmed search:
DOI, ISSN, ELocationID, ISSNLinking, MedlineTA, NlmUniqueID, Title, Country.
Did NCBI change the way to store information in xml?
Thanks for pointing this out. It looks like a few of these fields were pulling from the wrong part of the XML tree. I have gone through and made corrections. Let me know if the issue appears to be addressed.
Ok. Thanks.
Should I get the corrections installing the updated version from github?
Another (maybe related) issue:
- Some papers have more than one PublicationType.
- Previously, RISmed extracted all PublicationType of one paper.
- Now, I think RISmed only extracts one PublicationType per paper.
Could you please check this issue?
@skoval @rsantamariao
Hello, I have the same issue (mainly with the journal name). I tried to re install RISmed
the regular way and also using devtools
but still not working. Were you able to get it to work?