
Fatal error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

After installation, the following error is returned for any get request:

Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 4 passed to GoIntegro\Hateoas\JsonApi\Request\Parser::__construct() must be an instance of GoIntegro\Hateoas\JsonApi\Request\SortingParser, instance of GoIntegro\Hateoas\JsonApi\Request\PaginationParser given, called in G:\Content\Work\Website\wamp\www\sf2\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 2082 and defined in G:\Content\Work\Website\wamp\www\sf2\vendor\gointegro\hateoas\GoIntegro\Hateoas\JsonApi\Request\Parser.php line 120 (500 Internal Server Error)

I noticed that this error is already fixed in dev-master. Thanks for an excellent and very useful bundle!

skqr commented

Hi, @JDruery!

Thanks for taking an interest and taking the time to report anyway =)