
[BUG] Time Issue - Out By 1 Hour

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug
I am in the UK, and currently we have the time set to summer time (GMT+1).
I have DT as an add-on in Home Assistant.
Home Assistant is set to the correct time zone (HA entities are reporting the correct time when I look).
Frigate is running in a docker container in an LXC on Proxmox and I have TZ set for Frigate to 'Europe/London'.
Home Assistant is running in the same Proxmox but in a VM.
The issue I am encountering is time in DT is out by an hour - is there a configurable option to bring this inline correctly for the HA addon install?

Version of Double Take

Expected behavior
When an event occurs, the recorded date/time is the correct date/time

Frigate event:
Same event from DT:
Notice the 'CreatedAt' time in DT states 12:26 but the event time recorded in Frigate states 13:23 (I can handle the 3 minute issue)

  "detector": "compreface",
  "duration": 0.59,
  "name": "unknown",
  "confidence": 52.82,
  "match": false,
  "box": {
    "top": 33,
    "left": 211,
    "width": 48,
    "height": 48
  "checks": [
    "confidence too low: 52.82 < 85"
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:26:44.190Z",
  "updatedAt": null

Thank you. I hadn't seen that when searching for time :(
I changed the value to GMT, save and restarted DT - no change, still one hour behind (to be expected I guess as it would be GMT+1)
I then changed the value to BST, save and restarted DT - also no change, still one hour behind.

  url: http://XXX
  token: XXX
# time settings (default: shown below)
  # defaults to iso 8601 format with support for token-based formatting
  # time zone used in logs
  timezone: BST

  url: http://XXX
  update_sub_labels: True
  # stop the processing loop if a match is found
  # if set to false all image attempts will be processed before determining the best match
  stop_on_match: True

Any other suggestions?

Are you using add-on from the repository ?

Yes, it shows up as 'svk's Add-ons':

set the timezone in config to "Europe/London" for respecting DST
and wait some hours until i release a new version with fix for this issue

you can try v1.13.10

you can try v1.13.10

Thank you. That installed and is working perfectly. I left the code set to the following:

  # defaults to iso 8601 format with support for token-based formatting
  # time zone used in logs
  timezone: Europe/London