
Notifications ...

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I have MMM-Spotify set up to monitor only one of my speakers (lets say it is called Kitchen). When Kitchen is selected in Spotify as the output device I can see notifications being raised for start/stop/track change etc. as expected. However I cannot see a notification raised if I am listening to music on "Kitchen" but then change the target output device to something else (like my local phone or another speaker).

Am I missing something or is it possible to raise a notification if the target is moved away from a monitored device to another unmonitored device?

Does the above make sense?

what notification ? to another module ?

[Notification][MMM-Spotify] SPOTIFY_UPDATE_SONG_INFO {album: {}, artists: Array(1), available_markets: Array(79), disc_number: 1, duration_ms: 179760, …}
[Notification][MMM-Spotify] SPOTIFY_UPDATE_PLAYING 
[Notification][MMM-Spotify] SPOTIFY_UPDATE_DEVICE {id: "f6097038414aae97350f0cbf6772333c19277c5a", is_active: true, is_private_session: false, is_restricted: false, name: "Jarvis", …}

MMM-Spotify emit some notification for another module
but i see i have not documented it...

I don't know if what do you want @jamesvcc ?

Sorry, I am probably not explaining myself properly. I have a module listening for notifications from MMM-Spotify. I want to be able to detect from a notification that a Spotify Connect device has been changed from one that is in the "allowDevices" array to one that is NOT in the "allowDevices" array. Is this possible?

actually not coded
if device is in the array, it's just ignored

Hey there @jamesvcc

some time has passed and some things where added. If you switch from an allowed device to an not allowed device, a SPOTIFY_DISCONNECTED notification should be send.
Please verify with the newest master branch and get back to me :)

If there is something not working out, let me know. I'll close the ticket for now.