
I'm having a problem with prisoners bugging out.

AlexandruRobertStoian opened this issue · 8 comments

I seem to bug out prisoners when I load my savegame and can't recruit them anymore nor really interact in any meaningful way with them and when I use the console commands to kill and then ressurect them they disappear. Here is the log
Pawn BUG out.txt .

if this has happened only since you loaded your save game, load an earlier save and see if the issue persists.

also, fix your load order:

These must always be at the bottom. Make sure to follow the Load Order Guide on the discord.

  • trinity.RuntimeGCupdated
  • Dubwise.DubsPerformanceAnalyzer.steam
  • Mlie.WikiRim
  • Taranchuk.PerformanceOptimizer
  • Krkr.RocketMan

also vanilla fishing expanded i dont think is very compatible with hsk atm

Thank you for the help, it would seem that when I load other savegames it is the same.

Please make a bug report and post your hugslib log, not the Player.log or your config. There are instruction in #Error-Troublehsooting on how to do this

Thank you, will do.