Author: Daniel Homola
Main deliverables:
MRI scans from 70 patients were used to learn to automatically segment the 3D volume of scans, and therefore spatially identify the outlines of the central gland (CG) and peripheral zone (PZ).
The aim of this project was to quickly establish a benchmark model, with minimal / lightweight code, only relying on core TensorFlow and Python, i.e. without using Keras or other wrapper libraries.
Dataset used
Original Paper
Prostate MRI scans with segmentation
Objective: assign mutually exclusive class labels to each pixel/voxel.
Class labels: 0: background, 1: central gland , 2: peripheral zone
- Create new Python3
(assumes you havevirtualenv
installed and set up) - Install dependencies.
mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3` unet3d
workon unet3d
make requirements
Additional helper functions can be explored with.
make help
- The dataset was downloaded from here.
- As per the instructions, the training (60) and leaderboard (10) subjects were pooled to form the train dataset (1816 scans in total).
- The test dataset consists of 10 patients with 271 scans.
- Unzip them and place them in data/raw.
- In this notebook, we load in the MRI scans and their segmentations, build a Dataset object for the train and test set.
- Then we check some basic stats of the datasets and visualise a few scans.
- Finally, we carry out our preprocessing steps and save the train and test datasets.
jupyter notebook "notebooks/data_exploration.ipynb"
Train model on train set and evaluate it on test set using the base model architecture.
python src/ -model_dir models/base_model -mode train_eval
Do the same with same parameters but without batch normalisation.
python src/ -model_dir models/base_model_no_bn -mode train_eval
For more options:
python src/ -h
usage: [-h] -model_dir MODEL_DIR [-mode MODE]
[-pred_ix PRED_IX [PRED_IX ...]]
Train, eval, predict 3D U-Net model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-model_dir MODEL_DIR Experiment directory containing params.json
-mode MODE One of train, train_eval, eval, predict.
-pred_ix PRED_IX [PRED_IX ...]
Space separated list of indices of patients to
usage: [-h] -model_dir MODEL_DIR [-mode MODE]
[-pred_ix PRED_IX [PRED_IX ...]]
Train, eval, predict 3D U-Net model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-model_dir MODEL_DIR Experiment directory containing params.json
-mode MODE One of train, train_eval, eval, predict.
-pred_ix PRED_IX [PRED_IX ...]
Space separated list of indices of patients to
Predict all 10 patients in test set with the trained base model and save their predictions to model directory.
python src/ -model_dir models/base_model -mode predict - pred_ix 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Open the Jupyter notebook to have a look at test cases
jupyter notebook "notebooks/model_exploration.ipynb"
Ground truth is on left, prediction is on the right in each image.
Ground truth is on left, prediction is on the right in each image.