
`post->title` does not work on mobile app

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post->title is in the namespace flybot.client.web.core.utils which is a namespace dedicated to web utils only.

However, this function was called in several common namespaces such as in flybot.client.common.db.event. It was also called directly called in mobile namespace such as

post->title relies on markdown-to-hiccup which has deps on clj-commons/hickory.

Hickory uses some web dom logic in their conversion logic which does not work with nodejs. It was discussed in issue #17 and a PR merged for it #33.

Some npm tiers packages are required to be added in the react native deps in order to make it work in nodejs. The packages suggested in the PR33 are:

  • jsdom: which does not work with figwheel
  • xmldom: which has critical vulnerabilities


The mobile development not being a priority right now, we can use a goog-define to only require markdown-to-hiccup at runtime in the web build.

  • post->title can only use markdown parsing for the mobile app
  • has-valid-h1-title? can have a markdown parsing logic to cover most cases in the meantime in the mobile app

Also post->title needs to be moved in a common namespace such as flybot.client.common.utils