Playing Local Episode from Info of TMDB Helper - Info doesnt hide
abbaskip opened this issue · 13 comments
Fairly easy one to recreate.
From a homescreen TMDB episode widget (like Next Episode etc), select an episode that is in local library.
It takes you to Info screen as normal, then when you click play, the video plays from local, but the info stays up covering the left hand side of the screen. Of course escape or the [ ] button on Yatse fix that, but would be good to have it disappear automatically when the episode is played.
are you saying the video plays like a trailer would in netflix info screen ? basically int he background
are you saying the video plays like a trailer would in netflix info screen ? basically int he background
Correct, in the background but full screen (Netflix trailers I think are just back right?) - the info covers half of it though.
To be clear, I'm using Netflix home view - click the episode to bring up Netflix info, then click Play. If it plays from Seren it plays full screen foreground; if it plays local I get the aforementioned issue - so have to hit the '4 corners' yatse button (twice - once takes me home with the video playing in the background, and hitting it again hides all menus etc so plays the video foreground)
@abbaskip Try copying this file (unzip, github doesnt support attaching xmls) into addons/skin.auramod/1080 and let me know if it sorts your issue with playing local files with tmdbhelper.
@abbaskip make sure you reload skin or restart kodi !
Copied and over-wrote my file, but still when I click a local episode from Info Page on a TMDB Helper widget, it just kicks me back to Homescreen
Before trying that file of yours, I had pasted a log to TMDB Helper in the thread you were tagged in over there.
The log is here:
Guessing the file you just shared was a fix to this issue? In any case it sounds like the bug jurialmunkey mentioned is what's happening for your skin here. As looking in the log the source for the video in the failed run from widget seems to have no file path?
Try this one:
Try this one:
It works!
Strangely Local works perfectly; whereas playing via a player (Netflix is my default TMDB player) it now plays in the background. Opposite to the problem at the start of this thread...
But the videos play in both cases - just means I have to back out of the menus to get the video in the foreground.
Give this one a try for the fullscreen issue
Give this one a try for the fullscreen issue
@skyfsza This seems to have stopped working again. I've not reinstalled Auramod or anything (and have even copied your file again a thousand times) - but now anything local I try to play via TMDB Helper doesn't play from the Netflix Info screen again...
If I context and play, it plays straight away. If I play via info from library, it plays straight away.
But through my TMDB Helper widget, it doesn't. I'm wondering what else could possibly have changed?
I just tried to change back to the current Auramod from the repo, and now in Netflix Info for anything with a local file through TMDB Helper, they don't have a Play button at all.
i.e. if I have a local episode of a TV show, and it appears on a TMDB Helper widget it by navigating direct through TMDB Helper, the play button doesn't appear. It does for everything I don't have a local file of.
Submitted a pull that fixes it