
Call to a member function search() on null, when trying to extract pilot/controller data

h-okon opened this issue · 8 comments

My code currently looks like this:
And every time I try to run it I'm getting:
Fatal error: Call to a member function search() on null in /home/vatsim/html/stands/vendor/skymeyer/vatsimphp/src/Vatsimphp/VatsimData.php on line 291.

I can't extract any pilots nor controllers.

I tried the following code which worked for me based on your above example:


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Vatsimphp\VatsimData;

$vatsim = new VatsimData();

$pilots = $vatsim->getPilots()->toArray();

foreach ($pilots as $pilot) {
  echo "{$pilot['callsign']} => {$pilot['latitude']} {$pilot['longitude']} \n";

printf("\nTotal pilots: %d\n",  count($pilots));

Couple of questions/comments which might help:

  • Which PHP version are you running ?
  • Do you have php-curl installed ?
  • Are there any PHP notices/warnings in your web server log ?
  • Make sure vendor/skymeyer/vatsimphp/app/cache and vendor/skymeyer/vatsimphp/app/logs are both writable (*)

Check the vatsimphp.log file to see if the code was able to properly fetch the data from the Vatsim network (see

Here is a screencast example which shows you the above code and where the cached data and logs are:


Close since no response - feel free to reopen when needed.

Got this same issue, any fix?

Can you give me a code snippet ?

In my case the permissions were broken.
Fixed by correctly giving chmod to:
Thanks for help.

What perms did u give it Hubert?

chmod -R +w <here following directories>