
Some systems failed to build for Quicklisp dist

quicklisp opened this issue · 0 comments

Building with SBCL / ASDF 3.3.5 for quicklisp dist creation.

Trying to build commit id fe96152

weblocks-demo-popover fails to build because of a failure in weblocks.

weblocks-s11 fails to build because of a failure in weblocks.

weblocks-test fails to build because of a failure in weblocks.

weblocks-yarek fails to build because of a failure in weblocks.

weblocks-yui fails to build because of a failure in weblocks.

weblocks fails to build with the following error:

; caught WARNING:
;   Derived type of #:G8 is (MEMBER CHILDREN), conflicting with its asserted type LIST.
;   See also:
;     The SBCL Manual, Node "Handling of Types"
Unhandled UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001BF0103}>: COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "weblocks" "src" "widgets" "widget" "widget">

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