
sourcetypes question

Opened this issue · 1 comments


this app (i downloaded v4.0.0 from splunkbase) has no inputs, but works with Splunk_TA_nagios-core. It has props.conf stanzas that refer to sourcetypes that don't exist in Splunk_TA_nagios-core (at least not in the latest version 1.1.0). Where do these sourcetypes come from?

sourcetypes: nagios, nagioshostperf, nagios:core:perfdata, nagios:core:hostperfxi, nagios:core:serviceperfxi, nagios:gearman


oh, derp. i see the instructions on that specifies inputs with these sourcetypes.

would you accept a PR that brought this app in line with Splunk_TA_nagios-core, s.t. this app used the same sourcetypes as much as possible? does Splunk_TA_nagios-core not support nagios XI?