
AsyncRun can't find stdout

18875140516 opened this issue · 5 comments

After I build my code and generate the object file,it can print the stdout when I use shell "./xxx". But when I use "AsyncRun ./xxx" in the vim, I can't see the stdout.
My code use some block system call, but some print function before them.

I can see the stdout when I use AsyncRun only if I use fflush(stdout), but the print function after fflush(stdout) still can't be seen.

I use setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); in cpp file, this way can handle my problem, are there any other solution?


:AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=TAB  ./xxxx

I have the same problem, no stdout is shown.
In my case this happens when an executable crashes, nothing from its output is shown.
What is weird, that even when the executable is run from a Makefile and I run AsyncRun make, the same holds.

:AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=TAB ./xxxx - does show everyting.

i have the same issue, with for example go run. With mode term it works. Any chance to make this work with the "normal" mode, in quickfix window?

edit: okay, there's no issue, i just missed using the raw flag.