
Quickfix window not opening automatically

pmurray17 opened this issue · 4 comments

After updating asyncrun the quickfix window is not opening automatically when containing text.
vim 8.2 - patches 1-3423

augroup vimrc
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * botright copen 8
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost make call AirlineRefresh
"Close window if open when AsyncRun starts
autocmd User AsyncRunStart call asyncrun#quickfix_toggle(8, 0)
autocmd User AsyncRunStart AirlineRefresh
augroup END

command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Make AsyncRun! -strip -silent -program=make @ -s -f makefile.42r %:r.42m

use this:

let g:asyncrun_open = 8

Thanks, already tried it to no effect.
I have moved back a version for now to get some work done and quickfix window opening as expected.

can you try to disable the latest qfid feature by:

let g:asyncrun_qfid = 0


Yes that has worked for me, shows up the errors in the quickfix window.