
should be able to use "%" like all other normal vim commands.

leoatchina opened this issue · 4 comments

After updated to the latest Asyncrun.vim, I found it would cause error when I use % as current file, so I have to update my config, you can see my commit here and the screenshot after

In other way, if I want to handly type in :AsyncRun commands to run current file, it is more time costing to type in VIM_FILEPATH than %

Which version were you using previously? I think the $(VIM_FILEPATH) hassles have been there for a while, like MANY years.

I'm supportive of this -- we should be able to use "%" like all other normal vim commands.

fixed, thank you !

Hmm I wrote #261, sorry, but I didn't know file and shellcmd have different impacts on "%". Actually relying on the "file" completion behavior to deal with % is actually a weird and clumsy hack. Let me try a better alternative that would also make % useful.