
Multiline command

szsam opened this issue · 2 comments

szsam commented

Is it possible to write a multiline command? E.g.

command=gcc -O2 "$(VIM_FILEPATH)" -o "$(VIM_FILEDIR)/$(VIM_FILENOEXT)" \
    -Wall -Wextra \
    -I/some/very/long/dir1 \

Sorry, multiline command is hard to implement right now,
plus that \ is a line-continue mark in unix but it is a valid root path in windows. it is ambiguous.

Can you consider put the complex commands into a separated shell script file and call it from asynctasks ?

All the macros with same name are initialized as system environment variables in the task process.

That means you can use something like $VIM_FILEPATH in your shell script.

szsam commented

Thanks. I'll try writing a shell script.