Project to study and gain experience in the following technologies whilst also providing a useful product.
- Java - 11
- Spring Boot
- React
- Redux
- Build the application from IntelliJ
- Create a redis container, using the following commands
docker pull redis
(first time only)docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
- Launch the application from IntelliJ (use the
) run configuration committed to VCS - Open a new command prompt and CD to
- Run
npm install
(first time only) - Run
npm run-script watch
(will watch for any changes to the React source files and compile them as required)
- Run
- Open http://localhost:8080 in the browser and login using your GitHub account
These technologies are also used, but not related to the primary purpose of gaining experience
- IntelliJ
- Node (npm)
- Docker
- Redis
- Create AWS instance of Redis (ElastiCache) - start gaining experience in AWS
- Build the app (and bundle resources) from within a CI tool (e.g. Circle CI)
- Host Spring Boot app from within AWS - gain further experience in AWS, notably:
- Hosting of a Spring Boot APP
- Deployment of files from the build pipeline
- Configuration of the APP within AWS