
Page types collapsed menus not working !

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When I go to 'Page types' page I see that all collapsed menus are not working !

even wordpress collapsed menus are not working in this page :(


do you have switched off the other plugins? We've got to test if its a conflict.


No ! but I think that the conflit is with W3TC ! I'll try to switch it off tomorrow.

That could be! Thank you for your help! ;)

When I desable buddypress menus work fine !! O.o

I'm using buddypress 1.2.8 !

and also Special Tag autocomplete didn't work !

Can you send me login data for yor wordpress Admin and FTP to team [at] ? Otherwise it's not possible to check your errors. I woul'd check the errors and will fix the bug if its possible to do this in the plugin.

Thank you! ;)