
How to access Canvas via SDK

lucemia opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible to control Slack Canvas via SDK?

(Describe your issue and goal here)

Reproducible in:

pip freeze | grep slack
python --version
sw_vers && uname -v # or `ver`

The Slack SDK version

(Paste the output of pip freeze | grep slack)

Python runtime version

(Paste the output of python --version)

OS info

(Paste the output of sw_vers && uname -v on macOS/Linux or ver on Windows OS)

Steps to reproduce:

(Share the commands to run, source code, and project settings (e.g.,

Expected result:

(Tell what you expected to happen)

Actual result:

(Tell what actually happened with logs, screenshots)


For general questions/issues about Slack API platform or its server-side, could you submit questions at instead. 🙇

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Hi @lucemia, thank you for posing your question!

Unfortunately, as of today, our platform does not provide public APIs to access Canvas data, and we don't have information to share regarding the availability of such APIs for third-party apps in the future.

For any upcoming updates, I would recommend checking our changelog at You can subscribe to its RSS feed by running /feed in your Slack workspace too.

I hope this clarifies! Let me close this issue now but if you have follow-up questions, please feel free to write in.