
Security concerns regarding video rendering on link unfurl

saurabh0719 opened this issue · 7 comments


I'm using slack's event api to listen to link_shared events, and unfurl video blocks back to the chat when it's a video link from my domain.

My initial POC has a simple set up, where the video_url parameter of a video block points to an endpoint with certain parameters on my server that renders the appropriate HTML frame. The links that are being unfurled itself are from my frontend application, and both my frontend and server domains are mentioned under the unfurl domains configuration of my slack app.

My questions/concerns

1. Security guarantee over the video url

As per slack's documentation for video blocks -

video_url should be publicly accessible, unless the app relies on information received from the [Events API]( payloads to make a decision on whether the viewer(s) of the content should have access. If so, the service could create a unique URL accessible only via Slack.

I'm assuming the unique URL spoken about here is the URL we send back in the chat.unfurl method back to slack? If so, is there any guarantee on the security of these URLs as we strictly DO NOT want it to fall in the hands of any user or anybody outside the workspace and we're expecting it to be used by slack ONLY.

2. Does slack download the content ahead of time and keep a copy?

We use signed URLs with a timeout for our video content, as most other applications, and I wanted to confirm if slack makes a request for this video content each time the message block comes into frame/the chat is loaded/etc. OR does it download it ahead of time and store it indefinitely or in some cache?

Storing it indefinitely would be a big issue for us, as we want to change the unfurl behaviour based on certain parameters on our end (privacy, visibility, etc.) - and showing the same content that was unfurled once, all the time, would become an issue if certain parameters are changed later on. If it's being cached, can I know the 1) is it server or browser/client caching? 2) duration of the cache, if its being cached on your server.

3. Is there any way to identify requests coming from slack?

This whole process of achieving security would become much more straightforward if we could identify requests coming from slack - and serve our content accordingly. As of now, I did not find anything of that sort in the documentation.

I understand some of these questions are vague, but it will help us achieve a more secure & configurable approach of delivering video content to slack!

Hi @saurabh0719 thanks for writing in 💯

This question seems to target the behavior of the backend, and does not strictly affect the python-slack-sdk project, I will try to get some answers from my end but you can also join our slack community to ask about this behavior

@WilliamBergamin thanks for the quick turnaround. Yeah it does not affect the python SDK per say, we just happen to use the python SDK ourselves and I've had a great experience asking questions here as I always seem to get a quick reply and clarification! So since this was time sensitive I figured, why not.

I'll surely check out the community, but if you do have anything that you can share from your end, then please do. :) seems to be down at the moment. Unsure where to post this question. Will an email to slack support work? But I figured that's not for developer problems.

@seratch will you be able to help by any chance?

@saurabh0719 I may not be able to resolve all your questions / concerns on security but let me share a few general points:

is there any guarantee on the security of these URLs as we strictly DO NOT want it to fall in the hands of any user or anybody outside the workspace and we're expecting it to be used by slack ONLY

As long as you have the necessity to make the video URL available in a video block, the URL must be publicly accessible for everyone including Slack's servers. Unfortunately, there is no greatly secure way to limit the visitors to the URL. If you attach a long-enough query string to the URL, the URL should be almost inaccessible to people outside the Slack workspace. With that being said, if the URL is leaked, still there is a possibility that random people may access the video.

We use signed URLs with a timeout for our video content, as most other applications, and I wanted to confirm if slack makes a request for this video content each time the message block comes into frame/the chat is loaded/etc.

When you display the video URL only on a short-lived modal view, a URL with expiration can work well. However, when it comes to channel messages, the URL needs to be the same forever (as long as your app does not periodically update all the URLs it posted in channels). Thus, this approach does not help. Also, I cannot think of any other workaround in this direction.

  1. Is there any way to identify requests coming from slack?

Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this as for incoming requests from Slack.

Our platform team does not have any short-term plans to enhance the video block element to support your use cases. Therefore, the only meaningful suggestion I have is to give up embedding the video content in Block Kit using the video block element. Alternatively, you can upload the video to your Slack workspace and/or just share the video content URL as a link in Slack.

I understand that this is not the best expected answer for you, but I hope this clarifies.

@saurabh0719 I've been querying internally to get this information and agree with everything @seratch has mentioned

I can also answer the following

  1. Does slack download the content ahead of time and keep a copy?

No slack does not make a copy or cache the content

We use signed URLs with a timeout for our video content, as most other applications, and I wanted to confirm if slack makes a request for this video content each time the message block comes into frame/the chat is loaded/etc.

I have some context for Mobil specifically on the client/browser this may be slightly different, Mobile loads the video only when playing it in a modal, not on the chat surface directly. The modal uses standard HTTP caching, the same as if the URL of the video was copy pasted into the navigation bar on Safari iOS, or Chrome Android.

I may be getting more info on this in the coming days, I will share what I can here

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