Pager support with pages as separate screens
mslalith opened this issue · 1 comments
mslalith commented
Assume a screen S has a pager which has A (page 0) and B (page 1). A and B are separate screens having their own presenters.
Right now Pager can be used within one screen (if all pages are being handled in same Circuit Screen) but I don't think above use case is possible currently.
Is there any way to handle this?
mslalith commented
Figured it out! using CompositePresenter now
data class CompositeState(
val aState: AState,
val bState: BState
class CompositePresenter : Presenter<CompositeState> {
override fun present(): SettingsPageState {
when (page) {
0 - A(state = state.aState)
1 - B(state = state.bState)
Closing this now. Lemme know if there is a better way to this