
extras.go does not support disabled container auditing

gemotephone opened this issue · 3 comments

  • I've read and understood the Contributing guidelines and have done my best effort to follow them.
  • I've read and agree to the Code of Conduct.
  • I've searched for any related issues and avoided creating a duplicate issue.


Using the provided go-audit.yaml.example prevents the go-audit service from starting. To resolve the issue, you can edit the example configuration file to enable container monitoring

Reproducible in:

go-audit version:
latest git clone at 42f8f96

OS version(s):
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone latest version of repo, follow instructions to build (used go version go1.13.7 linux/amd64)
  2. Copy go-audit.yaml.example to go-audit.yaml. Run generated binary with sudo ./go-audit -config go-audit.yaml or as root with ./go-audit -config go-audit.yaml
    enabled: false
    # if enabled, make requests to the local docker daemon for extra container details
    docker: false
    docker_api_version: 1.24
    # number of pid -> container_id mappings to cache (0 means disable cache)
    pid_cache: 0
    # number of container_id -> docker_details to cache (0 means disable cache)
    docker_cache: 0
  1. Optionally, and for this test, I modified extras.go to print more debug information. The steps can be reproduced without this modification.
     4  import "fmt"
    30  func (ps ExtraParsers) Parse(am *AuditMessage) {
    31          for _, p := range ps {
    32                  fmt.Printf("%#v, %#v", p, ps)
    33                  p.Parse(am)
    34          }
    35  }
  1. Observe errors in console

  2. Edit the configuration file to set values to true

    enabled: true
    # if enabled, make requests to the local docker daemon for extra container details
    docker: true
    docker_api_version: 1.24
    # number of pid -> container_id mappings to cache (0 means disable cache)
    pid_cache: 0
    # number of container_id -> docker_details to cache (0 means disable cache)
    docker_cache: 0
  1. Restart service and observe successful event auditing.
$ sudo ./go-audit -config examples/go-audit/go-audit2.yaml 
Flushed existing audit rules
Added audit rule #1
Added audit rule #2
Added audit rule #3
Ignoring syscall `49` containing message type `1306` matching string `saddr=(10..|0A..)`
Socket receive buffer size: 32768
ContainerParser enabled (docker=true pid_cache=0 docker_cache=0)
Started processing events in the range [1300, 1399]
{"sequence":23099,"timestamp":"1580767369.656","messages":[{"type":1305,"data":"audit_pid=2067 old=0 auid=1000 ses=3 res=1"}],"uid_map":{"1000":"computer"}}

Expected result:

Without modifications to the example file, service starts, begins collecting audit data. This should also support instances where Docker is not installed on a host.

Actual result:

$ sudo ./go-audit -config go-audit.yaml
Flushed existing audit rules
Added audit rule #1
Added audit rule #2
Added audit rule #3
Ignoring syscall `49` containing message type `1306` matching string `saddr=(10..|0A..)`
Socket receive buffer size: 32768
Started processing events in the range [1300, 1399]
<nil>, main.ExtraParsers{main.ExtraParser(nil)}panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x94e708]

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.ExtraParsers.Parse(0xc00030cc40, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc000292ec0)
        /home/remotephone/gits/work/go-audit/extras.go:33 +0x148
main.(*AuditMarshaller).Consume(0xc000225e60, 0xc000317050)
        /home/remotephone/gits/work/go-audit/marshaller.go:97 +0xf9
        /home/remotephone/gits/work/go-audit/audit.go:420 +0x674


e.g. Logs, screenshots, screencast, sample project, funny gif, etc.

wadey commented

Thanks for the report! I have prepared a fix with PR #70 if you want to test it out.

wadey commented

I merged #70, can you re-test and report back if you are still having issues? Thanks!

Hi @wadey, I was able to test just a bit ago and things look good. Really appreciate the quick response and turn around on this fix.