
Add support for prom-client v14

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The prom-client module released v14 on Sept 18. Please update swagger-stats to allow for the upgrade. The breaking changes in the prom-client release are:

  • changed: linearBuckets does not propagate rounding errors anymore.

    Fewer bucket bounds will be affected by rounding errors. Histogram bucket
    labels may change. 6f1f3b2

  • changed: The push gateway methods pushAdd(), push() and delete() now
    return Promises instead of accepting a callback:

    // Old:
    gateway.pushAdd({ jobName: 'test' }, (err, resp, body) => {});
    // New:
      .pushAdd({ jobName: 'test' })
      .then(({ resp, body }) => {})
      .catch(err => {});
    // or
    const { resp, body } = await gateway.pushAdd({ jobName: 'test' });


  • changed: The default nodejs_eventloop_lag_* metrics are now reset every time
    they are observed. This prevents these metrics from "stabilizing" over a long
    period of time and becoming insensitive to small changes. For more info, see
    #370. 0f444cd

sv2 commented
