
[Bug]: Pull request review fails wih error `Comment creation failed.`

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This makes the pull request feature totally unusable.

Fs00 commented

I've seen this error pop up only in two cases:

  • when approving or requesting changes to a PR created by myself (which doesn't make much sense, GH website doesn't even allow that)
  • when requesting changes without specifying a message (which also isn't allowed by GH website)

Creating a review in other circumstances works for me. Did you encounter the error in one of those two cases?

when requesting changes without specifying a message (which also isn't allowed by GH website)

You can make approve reviews without a message

Creating a review in other circumstances works for me. Did you encounter the error in one of those two cases?

It happens without either circumstance being true

I also cannot make comments on reviews

Bump still a big issue

Hello @maniac103, @Fs00
Any news on this ?