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7 important tapable instances

  1. compiler: exosed via node api + central dispatch start/stop
  const webpack = require('webpack');
  const compiler = webpack(options);
  1. compilation:
    created by the compiler,
    contain dependency graph algorithm.

  2. resolver
    make sure file/folder/path exist

  3. module factory
    takes successfully resolved requests
    collects source for that file,
    creates a module object

  4. parser
    takes a module object,
    turns into AST and parse.
    find all dependency statements(require/import etc).

  5. template
    dataBinding for your modules,
    creates the code in your bundles.

   1. main template
   2. module template
   3. dependency template


  1. every instance can be plugged into.

compiler ==options==> compilation -->

--> resolver(make sure entry point exist)
== moduleFactory --> modules -->

== Loaders or Rules --> parser

==> AST statements(requie/import etc)

==> attach to Modules(dependency graph)

==> recursively flow for dependency

inspired by @reactRally