A verified Discord bot that retrieves speedrunning and racing information.
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Get world record of a game: !src game
Gets the world record in the main category for a specific game.
Note: game name searching is not perfect (by speedrun.com's API's design), so a better way to search is by the game's speedrun.com abbreviation. This abbreviation-style searching for games works for all commands.
Get world record of a specific category of a game: !src game;category|sub-category
Gets the world record in a specific category for a specific game.
Sub-category is optional, and dependent on the game.
Get a list of a game's categories: !src game;*
Gets a list of all categories for a specific game.
If you want to include miscellaneous categories, include a +
at the end.
Note: some games have sub-categories, and they can be retrieved with !src game;category|*
Get the rules of a category of a game: !src game;category?
Gets the rules for a category of a specific games.
Note: some categories do not have rules, but their sub-categories do. The rules of a subcategory can be retrieved using !src game;category|sub-category?
. If the sub-category does not have rules, the category's rules are returned.
Get the personal best of a runner: !src game;category|sub-category;runner
Gets a person best for a specific runner in a specific category of a specific game. As before, sub-category is optional and dependent on the game.
Note: runner name searching is also not perfect (again, by the API's design), but you can search by Twitch username if you add a *
at the end of the name. This, however, depends on the user registering their Twitch username on speedrun.com.
Get leaderboard rankings: !rtgg slug
Gets the top 10 (or top X if the number of racers is less than 10) of a category's leaderboard for the most raced goal, sorted by score.
Get leaderboard rankings of a goal: !rtgg slug;goal
Gets the top 10 (or top X if the number of racers is less than 10) of a specific goal on a category's leaderboard, sorted by score.
Appending *
to the goal sorts results by best time.
Appending +
to the goal sorts results by most races.
Get a list of a game's goals: !rtgg slug?
Gets a list of a game's goals.
Get leaderboard stats of a racer in a goal: !rtgg slug;goal;racer
Gets the score, best time, and number of races for a racer, including their rank for each.
If you have any issues, please report them to the GitHub.
11 October 2020 - Updated readme. Added racer stats from racetime.gg.
31 May 2020 - Added racetime.gg leaderboard command.
21 February 2020 - Returns a list of subcategories when the rules of a category do not exist.
18 February 2020 - Added the ability to search for sub-category rules. Game rules are not in the SRC API yet, though.
25 January 2020 - Added the ability to search for category rules.
30 May 2019 - Provides proper name feedback on queries that have no results.
20 February 2019 - Added a reply for queries that result in games/categories with no runs.
19 February 2019 - Get all sub-categories command; descriptive "can't find" replies; find WRs by runners who are not users ("guests").