
Completion not working with multiple import

ashervb opened this issue · 4 comments

Given the follow module definition, when I type period where it says <Type Period>, no PUM opens

defmodule MyModule do
  import Ecto.{Query, Changeset}

  def foo do
    Enum<Type Period>

However if I change the imports to:

defmodule MyModule do
  import Ecto.Query
  import Ecto.Changeset

  def foo do
    Enum<Type Period>

I get the full list of module completions as expected:


I'm on:

Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Elixir 1.4.5

@exitface I'll take a look.

Thanks for reporting it.

@exitface just noticed that we never implement multiple import! 😞

It would be something like PR #94

@exitface thanks for reporting the issue

I'm working on elixir-sense which solves lots of problem like this.

I keep the issuer open until that new feature is ready

@exitface please try the new version