
Jumping to nested module

Closed this issue · 10 comments

evnu commented

Is jumping to definitions in nested modules possible without using a fully-qualified module name? Consider this example:

defmodule Outer do

  defmodule Inner do
    @doc "doc"
    def foo, do: []

  def foo do       # XXX cannot jump to the definition using ctrl-] # can jump to the definition using ctrl-]

When I try to jump (ctrl-]) to, error E426 is returned. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

This also applies to opening the documentation of a nested module and its functions (shift-k).

Version Information:

  • Elixir v1.5
  • alchemist.vim c455e53

@evnu thanks for reporting the issue

I'm working on elixir-sense which solves lots of problem like this.

I keep the issuer open until that new feature is ready

@evnu please try the new version

evnu commented

Works like a charm, thank you! Note that I stumbled over the missing Python 3 support. In ArchLinux, Python 3 is the default. I fixed it temporarily by changing the first line in elixir_sense_client to #!/usr/bin/env python2.

@evnu thanks for reporting that

I'll try to make it compatible with python3

evnu commented

I found one related problem when using alias and use within an umbrella. I will state it here, but I think this might be something which should be reported upstream.

mix new --umbrella project
cd project/apps
mix new a
mix new b
# 1) make :a an umbrella dep of :b
# 2) then, paste some code
echo "defmodule A do\ndefmodule Inner do\n def __using__(_), do: :ok\nend\nend" > a/lib/a.ex
echo "defmodule B do\nalias A.Inner\nuse Inner\n\nend" > b/lib/b.ex
cd ..
mix compile # should compile properly

Now, when I try to jump to Inner from use Inner in b/lib/b.ex, elixir_sense reports that module Inner is not loaded and could not be found. When this happens, jumping to any identifier does not work anymore in that module. Here is the complete error message:

alchemist.vim: failed with message error:/home/evnu/conf/vimrc/bundle/alchemist.vim/elixir_sense/lib/elixir_sense/core/as
t.ex:16: module Inner is not loaded and could not be found

I guess this is not fixable within alchemist.vim? It seems that elixir_sense stumbles over the alias definition. When I use use A.Inner, jumping to the definition works as expected.

@evnu Yeah it's all elixir_sense, can you open an issue there with the same detail?

evnu commented

Yes, I will open an issue. What is the current version of elixir_sense within alchemist.vim?

evnu commented

See msaraiva/elixir_sense#12 for the upstream issue.

Fixed on v1.0.1!